
Ecoinomic – Solid ecosystem and build a strong Loans Platform


#Ecoinomic.net – Today, loans are one solution to overcome the problems we often found in life. starting from loans for business capital, loans for home ownership, or even loans for vehicle ownership. loans are often a solution because of the limited financial resources they have.but on the other hand conventional financing institutions are often found some weaknesses that cannot accommodate or even harm consumers. one of them is the huge cost caused by the loan.with the development of blockchain technology. and overall adoption in all fields of community life. finance institutions that handle loans so far have also participated in the implementation of this Blockchain technology.

Ecoinomic.net is a pioneer in the application of Blockchain technology in this loan industry. continue to build an innovative platform that tries to convert fiat money loans that have been in conventional lending institutions into crypto assets as collateral.
Ecoinomic through their platform tries to connect the gap between traditional financial assets by increasing the liquidity of cryptocurrency by withdrawing banknotes from conventional financial institutions. Ecoinomic.net will seek to create a network of fiat money debtors to individuals and small businesses by using Crypto assets as collateral. so that it functions as an individual intermediary and lending institution.
Ecoinomic.net is a Blockchain-based ecosystem with the main goal of providing a scalable solution for loaning fiat money to cryptocurrency owners. Ecoinomic.net will continue to develop platforms that will connect borrowers (creditors) with investor institutions (debtors). Founding member Ecoinomic.net has collaborated on financial projects (Fintech) since 2001.

Ecoinomic.net seeks to bring together financial institutions such as cooperatives. The Bank, another Investment Institute on the ecoinomic.net platform and brings more liquidity to the Cryptosphere.

Why should Ecoinomic.net
Ecoinomic.net will make and maintain the sustainability of the Loyality program to keep its loyal customers. and in the initial stages all customers will be given special services. in giving a loan given a minimum loan of 200 USD and a maximum of 10000 USD with a 30-day grace period.
Ecoinomic.net will also offer collateral management opportunities. where users can exchange Cryptocurrency as collateral for others. Users can use the swap feature from BTC to ETH within the loan period.
for guarantee Ecoinomic.net receives Cryptocurrency assets in the form of: CNC, BTC, XRP, LTC, BCH, EOS, NEO, ADA, TRX, DASH, etc. while for fiat assets lent to creditors in the form of USD and EUR. for GBP, JPY, CHF, CNY will be added soon.

all users (creditors) can clearly see transactions that are carried out quickly and transparently.
Token and ICO Program specifications
In this Ecoinomic.net project there is a utility token created as the core of all existing projects. where the token is used as collateral or assets that can be bought and sold in the market which will be available in the near future.

Name: Ecoinomic token
Ticker: CNC
Standardization of tokens: ERC20 Ethereum Network
Total Supply: 2,100,000,000
Token allocation for sales program: 1,550,000,000

The distribution of tokens as follows:
• 1% of the total supply tokens will be allocated to the Bounty program
• 12% of the total supply tokens will be allocated to Advisors
• 13% of the total supply tokens will be allocated to the Ecoinomic.net team
• 2% of the total supply of tokens will be allocated for Pre-Sale and Development stages
• 72% of the total supply tokens will be allocated to the main sales program.

The tokens allocated for ecoinomic.net will be frozen for approximately 2 years with the division of several periods. and each period of approximately 6 months. that means every 6 months there is 25% of the allocation for the team to be released. and the initial calculation of the lock since August 1, 2018.

Website : https://ecoinomic.net/

Whitepaper : https://ecoinomic.net/docs/whitepaper

ANN : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2878954

Telegram : https://t.me/ecoinomicchannel

Blog : https://medium.com/ecoinomic 


Author : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1966569

View at Medium.com


Forex and Cryptocurrency will be intregrated by FXPay


Trading activities are one activity that brings passive income. trading activities have also become an alternative to make more money. and the more days the trading activities increase. this is proven by market growth. and soaring transaction volumes. there are various trading platforms with advantages that are the main attraction. but this time I will try to explore one of the trading platforms called FXPay which focuses on building a large, international scale community and of course answering every challenge and market demand. both from brokers and forex traders though.
by focusing on availability, a fast and smooth transaction system. to compensate for cryptocurrency technology that has taken so much hype in the financial world. so is Crypto’s favorite and so many devotees. because it offers solutions to make transactions easier and faster.
as we all know that forex trading has lately been left behind due to a transaction system that is considered inefficient. not to mention the complex problems that are in it. so that it directly affects the lack of consistency of relationships with brokers.
FXPay sees this as an attractive and very promising business opportunity. by combining Cryptocurrency technology that is very innovative to the world of FOREX (FOREX). supported by a strong team FXPay is optimistic that it can reduce risk and increase transaction speed on the Forex market by using a utility token created by FXPay called FXP. with standardization of ERC20 tokens via Ethereum network.
With the application of this technology, it is expected that the world of Forex (FOREX) will revive, increasing transaction volume and user friendly through a platform created to meet the needs of brokers and traders.

The Advantages of PXPay

  • Payment Gateway – FXPay acts as the largest Payment Gateway in the FOREX (FOREX) market in the financial world. Payment Gateway which is tasked with serving to facilitate payments between the bank that has been acquired and the issuing bank. with FXPay payment gateway, a broker allows fast payments and manages to cut transaction costs to 0.5 to 1 percent.
  • Use of the Ethereum network – in the issuance of ERC20 standard FXP tokens. ethereum network was deliberately chosen because the network was considered very strong and reliable. so that it can support the PXPay system itself.
  • Partnership – In addition to building a strong and reliable platform, FXPay team also has partnerships with leading brokers who have been known in the world as forex facilitators and providers. with this partnership, it is hoped that cash back can be redeemed in the form of Forex Credit which will then be used to transact in the Forex market.
  • Smart Contract – Smart Contract implementation that can save customer expenses is almost 90% when compared to the conventional payment structure applied so far. Smart Contract allows users to embed documents and other relevant information in a tamper proof digital ledger. Smart Contract is a regulator to revolutionize the ways individuals and companies are involved with this business. Ethereum allows developers to create their own Smart Contract that can be tailored to the wishes of the developers.
  • BONUS – Cash-back in the form of Forex Credit as a bonus for Private sale and Pre-ICO participants who have joined FXPay Community as an effort to protect against the risks that exist in the Crypto world. FXPay also wants to offer cash back bonuses to their investors as a guarantee of confidence in FXPay products. Investors can immediately enjoy using the Forex Credit they have for transactions in one of the biggest forex markets in the world.
  • FXPay as LIQUIDITY PROVIDERS – FXPay can directly cut brokers and maintain the existence of profits gained from the platform by making itself a liquidity provider. with implementation targets in the third quarter of 2018. This will benefit many parties because it can save costs when compared to conventional liquidity providers that have been available.
  • Integration to the market – FXP is a utility token that is the core of this FXPay project. This utility token will unite forex with the cryptocurrrency market. with this integration FXPay will introduce Crypto investors about the world of forex. and vice versa. which will increasingly make the crypto market and forex return to life by offering a solution to invest with a new system.
  • DEBIT Card – FXPay is also collaborating with MasterCard / VISA to equip FXPay Investors with debit cards that can be used for transactions around the world. FXPay card holders have the right to access their assets at any time. with this card investors can also pay for a local service or product that has been connected to FXPay and will auto-debit directly to the investor’s account. This FXPay debit card will be issued by MasterCard for very wide usage coverage and will be launched at the end of Quarter-1, 2019.
  • Social wallet – FxPay is also equipped with a Social wallet. for more flexible transactions, KYC / AML is required as a way to secure investors’ assets. FXPay’s Social Wallet will be available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Mirroring trade – Mirror trading is a forex trading method that allows traders to develop Mirror strategies to other experienced traders.

FXP Token Sales Program
Token  specifications

  • Token name: FXPay token
  • Ticker: FXP
  • Standardization of tokens: ERC20
  • Token rate: 0.65 USD (Private Sale). and 100% forex credit bonus

Rate token during Public ICO

  • The first stage rate is $ 1.25 with an 8.5% bonus
  • The second stage rate is $ 1.35 with an 8% bonus
  • The third stage rate is $ 1.45 with a 7% bonus
  • Fourth stage rate of $ 1.5 with a 6.5% bonus
  • The fifth rate is $ 1.55 with a 6% bonus
  • The sixth stage rate is $ 1.6 with a 5% bonus

With total issued tokens, there are 500,000,000 FXP. payment instruments received during the Public ICO program are: Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Tether (USDT), Tron (TRX), Happy coin (HPC).

Website: https://fxpay.io/

BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3851151

Whitepaper: https://fxpay.io/pdf/FXPAY_V.1.4.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fxpayglobal

Telegram: https://t.me/fxpayglobal3

Twitter: https://twitter.com/fxpayglobal

Medium: https://medium.com/@fxpay

Author : Zafrans ( https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1966569 )


KuBitx – Cryptocurrency Exchange dan Trading Platform


Rifan Financindo – Perkembangan teknologi Blockchain yang pesat.  Tidak dapat dipungkiri diperlukan utilitas pendukung. Contohnya adalah pasar untuk pertukaran cryptocurrency ke mata uang fiat. Sudah begitu banyak Crypto Exchange hadir untuk menjawab kebutuhan pasar. Dengan masing-masing keunggulan yang di tawarkan. Diharapkan dengan semakin banyaknya Crypto Exchange akan semakin mempermudah dalam pengaplikasian teknologi Blockchain disegala aspek kehidupan.

KuBitx adalah sebuah platform untuk pertukarang Cryptocurrency yang dirancang dengan mengedepankan Kesederhanaan dan aksesibilitas.  Dengan berupaya untuk memberdayakan dan mendidik semua lapisan masyarakat guna merangkul  dan kemudia merevolusi teknologi Blockchain dan berinvestasi dengan mata uang Crypto.

Terkandung dalam sebuah ekosistem KuBitx adalah sebuah mesin trading, wallet KuBitx dan fasilitas dashboard admin untuk mengatur kegiatan trading di Bursa pertukaran. KuBitx bertujuan menjadi salah satu market Cryptocurrency yang paling beragam untuk pembeli dan penjual. KuBitx berusaha menggapai tujuan ini dengan mengembangkan mesin perdagangan yang solid. Menyediakan layanan perbankan regular melalui penyedia layanan Financial Kubitx melalui program duta besar untuk menyebarkan kesadaran dan adopsi.

KuBitx telah dikembangkan tidak hanya sebagai mesin perdagangan tetapi juga diciptakan sebagai salahsatu inti dalam pertumbuhan dan pengembangan.

Pasar negara berkembang membantu untuk inklusi keuangan, pendidikan keuangan dan adopsi Blockchain oleh orang-orang yang terlibat didalamnya.  Penawaran inovatif seperti KuBitx tidak akan dipahami dan di adopsi tanpa melibatkan orang-orang lokal yang ada disetiap wilayah.  Ini tentu tidak akan cukup untuk menjalankan iklan yang ada.

Nilai yang terdapat dalam Ambassador

Duta disini akan terlibat langsung dengan orang-orang disekitar dengan berbagai cara. Misalnya melalui acara yang diselenggarakan dikota kota besar. Selanjutnya mereka akan terhubung dengan influencer lokal serta orang –orang yang terlibat dalam pemerintahan dan badan regulasi.

Para Ambassador akan membantu dalam upaya mempercepat untuk merintis jalan dimasing-masing daerah. Dan membantu KuBitx untuk diadopsi secara cepat dengan demikian akan mengurangi anggaran untuk iklan diwilayah tersebut.

Fitur – Fitur KuBitx

Platform Advanced
KuBitx adalah salah satu platform perdagangan cryptocurrency paling canggih dan tangguh yang dirancang dengan cara yang sangat ramah pengguna guna memungkinkan orang-orang dari semua wilayah dan latar belakang mendapatkan sebuah benteng ide yang berputar disekitar dunia Blockchain dan ruang lingkup Cryptocurrency.

Wallet yang aman
Merupakan bagian dalam bagian dari Platform KuBitx, selain Mesin perdagangan KuBitx, dan Dashboard admin yang akan mengatur kegiatan perdagangan kita di Bursa Perdagangan.

Ramah terhadap Penjual dan Pembeli
Dengan target pasar  secara global bahkan didaerah terpencil sekalipun untuk dimasukkan dalam pasar Cryptocurrency, tujuan KuBitx adalah menjadi salah satu pasar cryptocurrency yang paling beragam untuk pembeli dan penjual diseluruh dunia.

KuBitx Akan serius dalam upaya menjembatani kesenjangan antara Banked dan Unbanked di wilayah afrika melalui program pemndidikan yang berkualitas yang akan direncanakan melibatkan orang-orang lokal disetiap wilayah melalui Duta Channel KuBitx yang dilatih secara individual. Mengurangi keterbatasan pemahaman mereka karena penerapan bahasa lokal sehingga mereka lebih interaktif dalam belajar tentang filosofi Blockchain. Dengan kata lain dalam waktu singkat orang-orang yang biasanya menggunakan metode konvensional dalam menjalankan roda bisnisnya harus bisa beralih pe fitur-fitur yang disediakan KuBitx. Untuk menukarkan uang fiat menjadi Cryptocurrency sebagai alat pembayaran yang diterima didunia internasional.


Kelebihan – Kelebihan KuBitx

  • Blockchain
    Token KuBitx awalnya didasarkan pada blockchain Ethereum. Kami berencana untuk meluncurkan Blockchain Ethereum. KuBitx Berencana untuk meluncur Blockchain KuBitx sendiri dalam waktu dekat yang kemudian akan sangat berguna untuk banyak kasus seperti masalah sosial, utilitas, administrasi dan tata kelola yang paling umum dinegara berkembang.
  • Ekosistem
    Sebagai penganut kuat dalam ekosistem pembayaran peer to peer. Kami percaya bahwa system keuangan tradisional pada akhirnya akan diganti sebagian karena kepercayaan yang terus menerus. Penyesoran dan pencerahan masyarakat yang semakin meningkat.
  • Biaya Rendah
    Fee transaksi adalah yang terendah. Bahkan lebih rendah ketika kita memilih untuk menggunakan token asli KuBitx yang disebut KBX untuk pembayaran. Biaya perdagangan di Bursa KuBitx adalah 0.05%. Namun, pengguna yang memilih untuk menggunakan token KuBitcoin (KBX) sebagai metode pembayaran biaya perdagangan asli akan mendapatkan diskon 25% dibandingkan dengan biaya perdagangan asli.

Biaya perdagangan tanpa token KBX = 0.05%

Biaya perdagangan menggunakan token KBX = 0,0375%

  • Resiko Minimal
    Penerapan wallet multi signature dan strategi  Cold storage yang KuBitx terapkan akan dapat meminimalisir paparan dana trader. KuBitx terlah menggabungkan berbagai strategi untuk mengamankan dana yang  akan diperdagangkan di Platform KutBix

Sekilas tentang  token KuBitx

Simbol token : KBX

Standarisasi : Ethereum (ERC20)

Desimal : 18

Total Supply : 500,000,000 Token

Program Penjualan

Alat pembayaran deprogram penjualan : Ethereum

Target Softcap : 10,000 ETH

Targe Hardcap : 25,000 ETH

Seed round telah berakhir pada : 16 Juli 2018

Pra- Public = 16 -31 Agustus 2018

WEBSITE: http://www.kubitx.io/

WHITEPAPER: https://kubitx.io/KuBitX_Whitepaper_v1.1_En.pdf

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kubitx/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com / kubitx

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/kubitx_official

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Prinox2

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Prinox1

Author : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1966569